America has come a long way in its acceptance of marijuana. In just a little over twenty years, we have gone from a country that didn’t tolerate cannabis in any form to the one in which eighteen states allow recreational marijuana. In addition, thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia recognize legal medical use. Even home delivery is now part of the equation.
Home delivery pretty much cements cannabis as a viable consumer product. However, cannabis delivery is still relatively new in many parts of the country. As a result, California residents may have an entirely different delivery experience compared to Oregon residents. And even within a single state, the delivery experience might differ from one city to the next.
If you are new to the whole cannabis scene, here are some important things to know about home delivery:
It is Not Available Everywhere
Home delivery availability is driven by multiple factors, including demand and state regulation. As such, it is not available everywhere. Most of your major cities in in California offer an abundance of delivery options. But that may not be true in rural areas.
In more restrictive states, like Utah, limited licensing opportunities and the state’s rural nature makes it a lot harder to access home delivery. Beehive Farmacy, a licensed Utah medical cannabis dispensary with home delivery for medical marijuana, explains that home delivery is relatively new there. It is legally available across the entire state, but not necessarily logistically.
Electronic Payments Are Not Standard
Electronic payments are generally the fuel that drives the home delivery industry. When you buy something from Amazon, you pay for with a credit or debit card. Such is not always the case with cannabis home delivery. Because banks and credit card companies are still hesitant about the cannabis industry, they don’t want to get involved. So the cannabis business is still largely cash based in many states.
Home Delivery Can Take Time
Depending on where you live and whether your state is recreational or medical-only, delivery could take more time than you anticipated. You might get same or next day delivery in California. Placing an order for medical cannabis in Utah could mean waiting three or four days. There really are no standards.
Medical Cards Are Still Required
Home delivery options do not change state laws regarding medical cannabis cards. If you use cannabis medically, chances are that your state required you to apply for a card after consulting with a doctor. You need that card to order your medicines online. You would also need it to accept delivery at your home.
ID Requirements
Even in states where home delivery has been legalized, laws require delivery drivers to verify ID before leaving product. You have to prove you are the person who ordered the cannabis. You also have to prove you are of legal age. Any sort of state-issued photo ID is generally acceptable.
Delivery Restrictions
Finally, states tend to regulate cannabis home delivery to ensure that it is not provided recklessly. For example, delivery services cannot leave packages on the doorstep. They have to be physically handed to the customer to ensure safety. In some states with medical-only programs, deliveries cannot be made to workplaces. Product can only be delivered to the same address a patient has on file with the state.
Medical cannabis home delivery is still in its infancy as a nationwide industry. You might try it and decide it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then again, it might not work for you. That is how things are right now.